
DDOS Protection Methods - know modern solutions

Posted in Technology Bites on Jun 23, 2016


Today hosting providers face problems due to huge DDOS attacks are penetrating their networks. Providers need to implement DDOS protection for their customers and need to monitor the overall bandwidth they use which may subject to increase the attacks. In this article we will discuss some latest and usefull DDOS protection methods and considerations of DDOS mitigation Strategy.

Basic DDOS protection :

Many users are connected to one hosting server. Consider an example, The client with high traffic E-commerce website can cause major security damage for other hosted users. Unfortunately these innocent users have to face secondhand DDOS damage because they are also hosted on same server as intended victim. This affects both hosting providers and hosted customers.

Now customers require some basic DDOS protection from hosting providers. Normally Hosting providers use Black-hole routing method to limit the traffic and provide basic firewall protection. OR dependent on upstream providers to take necessary action. These methods are not enough now. To make your customers applications working and to protect your Service level agreement(SLA), deployment of new and effective DDOS protection methods is necessary.

DDOS protection Methods :

1) Black-Hole Routing :

Its also know as Null routing. Here the hosting provider deal with traffic affecting the Client’s internet uplink capacity. Provider will discard all the traffic to the client’s IP and free up the uplink channel. Disadvantage of this method is, it affects the other customers security damage in order to avoid the traffic on victim’s IP.

2) Scrubbing Center :

In this method, the hosting provider focuses on incoming traffic. The threats in incoming traffic will be identified on the basis of characteristics and attack style . The Threats will be removed and redirects the damaged traffic to the alternate location. It then filter out the Clean traffic and return to the network to minimize the attack impact on business. Disadvantage of this method is it require change in network to make this method effective. Means there will be a delay between when attacks begins and when scrubbing center mitigation takes place.

3) In-House Security / Support :

A Foresight and intelligence support team will work with some security community and botnet hunter community to protect their network from huge traffic. A team will carry a special tool to stop the traffic and lessen the impact of an attack.

Deployment of DDOS protection methods is quite cost-effective. These solutions provide high performance to the customers by monitoring Network Environment and mitigating DDOS attack Traffic. At some point Neither the traffic cannot be redirected deep into the network (while using Scrubbing center method), nor any Security tool will effect to restrict the traffic more.

Consider main points while deploying DDOS mitigation methods.

For online business its necessary to research on DDOS mitigation and selecting appropriate method. Following points are main considerations while planning DDOS mitigation Strategy for your Business.

* Incase if you are chose Scrubbing center, deploy inline threat mitigation tool, which can identify, analyze and respond to incoming DDOS Threats automatically. This approach will leads to big change in Automatic DDOS mitigation.

* Ascertain the delays between the time traditional monitoring devices detect the threats. Setup an alert, let the in-house security team take necessary action against the threat when alert raised and secure the network environment.

* Choose Profitable and effective DDOS protection services, which can increase the customers protection and guard hosting providers network infrastructure and assets.

Scopehosts is offering DDOS protection with SSD Shared hosting services and Managed VPS hosting services. Where in managed VPS, the Management team will help you out to use one of the effective DDOS mitigation methods and secure the business from secondhand DDOS threat.

Vijay Patel Author: Vijay Patel a Tech Geek, Co-Founder and COO of Apeiron Global Pvt Ltd. Follow Us: