
Best Caching Methods for VPS/Server Performance.

Posted in Webhosting Tips on Jul 14, 2016


Most visitors browse the websites which has less load time. Slow websites lead to decrease in number of visitors. Which is again loss of paying customers. To speed up the website load time and to improve server performance caching systems are necessary. Now we will discuss some popular caching methods to optimize the VPS or server where website is hosted.

Caching Methods:

Caching is storing a website content temporarily. Content may include images, css files, bits of PHP scripts, HTML pages, database results and etc. A best way to improve Server performance, to speed up Website load time and to get the maximum number of visitors to the website is to deployment of Caching system. Now Visitors need not to wait for the webpage to load because caching not only speed up the website but also reduce latency by saving commonly accessed or viewed content of webpages.

There are many caching methods are available. Generally caching takes complicated requests, such as PHP pages, or any complicated database query. Where as some caching methods allow to store fully compiled PHP pages and complicated database query results.

Best Caching methods :

Following caching methods are some of the popular methods and commonly used.

1 . VPS/Server Caching :

Its also known as server-side caching method. Where caching software is being used to load website pages faster when traffic is high. For managed servers the installation of such software is done by hosting providers. Some caching software are so much popular that even unmanaged server client can easily install and use it. Best Caching Software applications are,

Varnish : A HTTP accelerator or caching system that is used most commonly for improving Dynamic and high traffic websites. Here each visitor request for content is being queued and handled separately. Where Varnish configurable language will handle the each request. Each VCL script is loaded into the accelerator which can be reconfigured without reboot.

Memcached with PHP : A OpenSource distributed memory object caching system, reduces the load on database servers and speed up the websites load time which are require database. Its one of the best caching system for high performance on dynamic websites.

Squid : A caching system and forwarding web proxy. It speeding up the web server and storing repeated requests. It filters the traffic, and provides data security and integrity.

2 . Third-Party caching :

For Wordpress hosting customers its easy to implement third-party caching system. These caching plugins provide more features to boost website performance. Some of the Thrid-party caching are,

W3 Total cache : Its a most popular caching plugin for wordpress. It comes with bunch of settings and plugin tips to assist you on selecting which settings is recommended generally. It allows caching through memory, CDN, and disk. IT decreases the bandwidth usage by using minification (compressing data)feature. Its free of cost and easy to implement. WP Super Cache : A Disk caching method for wordpress hosting and with free download option. It comes with minification, allows you to load plugin updates directly into your interface panel to improve the website load time. It also supports CDN usage and provides settings to avoid caching for some important pages .

WP-FFPC : FFPC stands for Fast Full Page Cache. By default it uses memory for caching which is faster when compared with disk caching. It comes with many memory caching options like, PHP memcached or Nginx memcached. Its free to download and It requires experience to handle the caching setup and configuring requests. It allows you to setup the settings option for all the websites of your network or for some websites to use network based settings. CDN is not supportive with minification.

3 . In-Browser caching :

It reduces the server load and speed up the website load time by reducing number of hits per page. You can setup headers to your commonly accessed webpage and allow the browser to cache them. Whenever there is a new request to the saved webpages the caching system loads the page quickly. If new page request is been done, then the caching system save that new page and loads it to the visitor within few seconds.

All Above methods are very important and as a website owner its very necessary to know their advantages to cache the website data. Always take assistance of your hosting provider while setting up the caching system for websites.

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Vijay Patel Author: Vijay Patel a Tech Geek, Co-Founder and COO of Apeiron Global Pvt Ltd. Follow Us: