Exterminate Bounce Rate

Wrinkled up forehead due to high Bounce Rate of a website? High Bounce Rate is the foremost cause for depleting online business. Bounce rate is a mode to perceive whether the website is performing well when website visitors land on the website.Website with bounce rate in between 25% to 40% is considered to be the websites performing really well in fetching traffic to the website. Bounce rate in between 41% to 55% indicates website has average bounce rate, 56% to 70% bounce rate indicates that the website has bounce rate higher than average rate and website with more than 70% bounce rate is really at stake, as customers do not opt the websites with higher bounce rate.

Know what can be root cause for high bounce rate of the website?

Bounce rate is determined when a website visitor leaves the website by visiting only a single page and not navigating to other web pages. The root causes of bounce rate are,
  • Slow Loading of web pages
  • Website with no mobile responsiveness
  • Auto play audio or videos
  • Not so well-designed website
  • Not so well-timed Pop-Ups
  • Poor quality content
  • Forms asking too much information
  • Broken Links
The above stated factors cause the website to encounter bounce rate.

Focus on how to overcome these issues to eradicate bounce rate to a better level and bounce effectively to elevate the business profits,

  1. Plan out how periodically the pop-ups must be popped up, to cause no irritation to the website visitors.
  2. As in this smart era, every internet user is most likely to browse through smartphones, having website that ismobile friendly and highly responsive is very important to gain more traffic.
  3. Auto playing of audio and videos can force customers to leave the webpage, causing bounce rate.
  4. If your website is visually appealing to the website visitors, then it successfully retains the website visitors and reduces the chance of them leaving the website without visiting other web pages.
  5. Web pages with more images, scripts and other multimedia, makes the web pages load slowly. Use of tools like gtmetrix assist you in knowing what is the main cause for web page taking more time to load.
  6. Repairing broken links is important, as these broken links can make greater impact on bounce rate of the website. Use of webmaster tools will notify you about the broken links of your website like blank pages or 404 errors.
  7. Website with low quality content and duplicate content fails to engage and interests the website visitors. Thus unique and high quality content must be embedded in the web pages to lower the percentage of visitors leaving the web page without navigating to other web page.
  8. Enquiring in detail to the first time website visitor is not apt, as the information might not be useful if the visitor is uninterested in further processes with the services.
Make use of these useful words of advice to get rid of Bounce Rate and have a website with handsome amount of traffic.Also, having your website hosted with the most reliable Web Host and Web Hosting Platform plays a vital role in eradicating bounce rate of your website. For better management of your website, you can go with Managed Hosting Services, where the web host is responsible to keep your website available 24/7 and reduce the bounce rate of the website to a better extent.Be sure to diagnose which above-mentioned constraints are causing Bounce Rate of your website and solve the issues as mentioned above.

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