Tackle Website Uptime Smartly

Anxious about depleting business due to unavailability and non-functioning of website 24/7? Low website uptime is the vital issue for your website being unavailable and encountering of website downtime. A website being available round-the-clock is very necessary, as your website is the face of your brand. To make your online name significant in the digital realm, ensure to have your web presence get-at-able perpetually.

Websites facing downtime quite often end up losing prospective customers, even though the reason for downtime is genuine, may be due to natural calamities or other mishappening. Accordingly, act smartly to tackle this low website uptime issues.

Here are indispensable means to handle website uptime

1. Choose apt web hosting platform for your business

Web hosting is the vital aspect to have digital presence for any business online. If your website faces downtime very frequently then think on upgrading your web hosting plans, for instance if you have subscribed with shared hosting service and due to growing business your site might require more server resources, hence to fulfil your website increasing needs upgrade web hosting plans or upgrade to Business hosting, VPS hosting or Dedicated Servers services.


2. Public Cloud

Having subscribed with Self-healing or pay-per-use cloud hosting is ideal for any kind of business enterprises. Having your website hosted on public cloud ensures high availability of your site 24/7 as cloud hosting is the self-healing hosting service, as well you are sure of your website consuming enough resources only when required.

3. Image Optimization

Website uptime is adversely affected with images large. Hence, having a well optimized front-end of the website has positive impact on the website uptime. Large-sized images results in increasing weight of a web page and ends up in slow loading of the web page. Thus resizing the images will have positive effect on website uptime

4. Content Delivery Network

CDN assures the business durability by distributing traffic on several servers. It is capable of handling high resolution CSS, images and JavaScript’s to cut off the load time and ensures better website performance

5. High-level Website Security

Completely protected websites are very crucial. Your web host is solely responsible for protecting your website against online attacks. Your website uptime is largely affected if your website is bombarded with online attacks, which results in facing high downtime and as well online data theft. Hence, be sure to inquire regarding the security measures provided by web host before subscribing with any web hosting service.

A sure victory of your business lies with 100% website uptime, thus make sure to consider all the factors mentioned above to maintain a greater website uptime and boom up your business as well give a lift to traffic to your website.

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