Beginner’s Guide on DDoS Attacks

In the Era where the data storage techniques havechanged the storage methodologies and moving towards cloud storage, things became clearer and safer for storing. Anyway, it’s quite evident that things that are free come with numerous drawbacks as an added feature. Some threats like Distributed Denial of services (DDoS) will lead to the permanent damage to the data as well as server.

DDOs Attack

What is a DDoS attack?

Distributed Denial of service which makes multiple services unavailable by rushing it with millions of requests, by carrying out port scanning, Hacking, Insertion of Virus into the host to gain access to its services and functions. It can be attacked to one system and make multiple systems and services or gadgets unavailable. The DDoS attacks may be in the following ways

  • Hacking of the webcam and other Video peripheral.

  • Collection of sensitive information like Debit card information, Important Credentials.

  • Hijacking Ports and make them unavailable.

  • Restricting the access over the Internet

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Methods of DDoS attacks

The attackers/hackers have evolved over the years and developed multiple ways in which to hold out DDoS attacks. Hackers resort to different techniques to carry out the attacks, making it difficult to determine the source of the attack and counter it in a shorter period. The different types of DDoS attacks can be as following:

• Volumetric attacks

When a website is hosted online the owner would be aware the amount of traffic the website is getting all day, whenever there is just sudden increase in the traffic then this sounds suspicious. Volumetric attack simply hogs up all the bandwidth available at your server, this will bring down your server at an ease in short time

• Protocol attacks

In place of sending millions of requests through the Botnets, the main IP of the server is blocked and replaced with another clogged IP address.In no time the services become unavailable. In this way, not the resources are intended, and also the services become unavailable. Such attacks may need a significant amount of overhauling to rescue the web server.

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• Application layer attacks

The networking system relies on over 7th layer, Application layer is the tip layer of the network. This is the layer where the server response and client query are carried out, in this way the protocols like http, https and SMTP are also followed here, the application layer attack now mimics the real human activity on the server by sending multiple requests to consume all the resources and make the server unavailable.

Why Is Protection From DDoS Attacks Required?

Over the years, the frequency of DDoS attacks has accrued with regarding 43% of the attacks targeting smaller cyber businesses. It’s calculable that approximately 124 billion Greenback are spent by the tip of this year on repairs and upgrading servers of firms to guard their association and knowledge against such attacks.

Thus, DDoS security is important and crucial for any company to avoid landing during a state of affairs which will injury their company forever.

All these DDoS attacks can be prevented by getting a standard DDoS protection enabled servers or third party protections packages like Cloudflare, Sucuri and many others

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