cPanel installation Steps – Easy to install.
cPanel/WHM Panel is one of the leading Web hosting Control Panel used by majority of Web Hosting Providers in the Industry. cPanel/WHM Panel is one of the robust control panels available in the market, its large amount of features and easy to use GUI makes it top control panel in Hosting Industry.
Today we are going to learn how to install cPanel/WHM Panel in a VPS or Dedicated Server.
A VPS/Dedicated Server is provided with SSH (Secure Shell) Access provided by the web hosting provider.RECOMMENDED REQUIREMENTS FOR CPANEL/WHM PANEL:- Operating System : CentOS 6 64bit
- Memory: Minimum of 512MB RAM
- HDD Space: 5-6GB Space for Installation, Minimum of 20GB
- You always need to make sure your VPS/Dedicated Server Hostname should be in format. Example:, So make sure your web hosting provider has added hostname to your VPS/Dedicated Server before installing the cPanel/WHM Panel.
- During this installation process, the connectivity from PC to VPS or dedicated server should be constant. Any loss of connectivity between PC and Server will lead to reinstallation of Operating System and you need to follow below installation procedure once again.
cPanel installation Steps :
1st Step:You need to use SSH clients like Putty or WINSCP available freely on the internet for Windows Operating System and install them in your PC. In this tutorial, we will use Putty as our SSH Client. Putty does not need any installation procedure in Windows Operating System, it’s just one click use application. After opening Putty Client, it will look like this.
Now you need to add your VPS/Dedicated Server IP address and default port 22 to access SSH. In some cases, the web hosting providers will change default port and provide the custom port to their client in the details mail.
2nd Step:
After adding the IP address and SSH Port, click “Open” which will prompt for username. You will be provided with root login details by your hosting provider. You need to type username as “root” and press enter.
Now you will be prompted for inserting the root username password. Type the password provided to you and press enter to log in in the SSH. It will look something like this.
3rd Step:
After logging into the SSH, always update operating system and its related modules before installing the cPanel/WHM Panel. By using below YUM UPDATE Command
#yum -y update
reboot the VPS/Dedicated server after updating finishes and comes back to command prompt. With “reboot” command
Note:VPS takes about 2–5 mins for rebooting with updates being installed. Dedicated Server will take 15-20mins depending on the configuration chosen and connectivity.
4th Step:
Once a VPS or Dedicated Server is back online, login into the SSH with above Step 1 and Step 2 procedure. Now it’s the important part of installation. cPanel/WHM panel always needs to be installed within the Home Directory. Below are the list of commands which needs to be used one after the other for installation of panel.
To enter into “HOME” Directory use below command
#cd /home
Use the WGET command to download the latest installation file from cPanel website.#wget -N cpanel
With “SH” command, you will be executing the auto installation file of cPanel#sh latest
There are series of auto installation commands will start processing. It will take 30-180 mins for installation of cPanel/WHM Panel, depending on the processing speed of VPS/Dedicated server.
You need to make sure your VPS/Dedicated Server has 2087 port enabled. So that, you will be able to log in in the WHM Panel to configure the cPanel with all the basic functions and features required to host your website or application.
In case the port is not enabled, and you cannot connect the WHM Panel with Link: https://serveripaddress:2087. You can enable the Port with below IPTABLES Rule commands
1st to enable the port 2087#iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 2087 -j ACCEPT
2nd save iptables rule added#service iptables save
3rd restart iptables service for changes to take effect#service iptables restart
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