Digital Assistants
Virtual or Digital Assistants are in the boom now. Digital assistants are also referred to as virtual assistants, voice assistants and smart speakers. These digital assistants are the digital advancements invented to ease up human life. Digital assistants emerge in recent years. These digital assistants will very soon be incorporated even in homes.
Smart speaker is one of the most used digital invention. These smart speakers allow you to speak out whatever you want to query, rather than traditionally typing the query. These smart speakers are used in mobile phones, computers, television and more.Speech Recognition Technology has been around for a while, from 1952. And, in 1962, IBM company introduced “shoebox”, a machine that was capable of recognizing 16 English words. In the early 1970’s the US defence department introduced “harpy”, a significant invention with a more efficient search approach. In the 1980s speech recognition was turned to prediction. Later in 2000 Google came up with a new revolution in voice recognition technology, the Google Voice Search App for iPhones. In 2013, Microsoft came up with Cortana and in 2014 Amazon introduced Alexa and Echo, major milestones of voice recognition technology.In 2018, it was estimated that 30 millions of Google Home and Echo voice speakers of Amazon are being used in the USA. Also, AI voice speakers are becoming the boom in 2018.
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